Welcome to AgriScot 

​​​AgriScot continues to recognise the challenges involved in showing cattle which is why we do try to make every effort to provide the best facilities and the smoothest experience we can for exhibitors supporting the event. It is also the reason that we invest in what we believe is the largest prize fund (£25,000) of any event in the UK.

Prize money for each class has been significantly increased this year and we have also introduced the Best Udder Prize (kindly sponsored by Harrison & Hetherington).

AgriScot will continue to underwrite the support of our SuperHeifer and SuperCow sponsors, so exhibitors are guaranteed an augmented £1000 prize if they win one of those titles.

Our judge this year will be renowned cattle breeder, Mark Nutsford of Ravenscroft Hall Farm, Cheshire.

Admission and parking for Agriscot remain FREE. With Edinburgh airport and the motorway network on our doorstep, we look forward to welcoming farmers from all across the UK and beyond to Ingliston for AgriScot on 22 November 2023. For more travel information please visit our website.

We hope you will exhibit with us and once again we encourage early applications as accommodation is limited and will be made available on a first come first serve basis.

Please download the AgriScot Dairy Cattle Classes Schedule here.